Kamis, 24 November 2011


Finally  me and my beloved husband going to the movies, after 4 days pending...ooo just realized that lastnight it's friday night, sempurno kan.....

In my opinion, the story it self was interesting. Because it's full of superstition, beyond real life, mystery, and of course great romances.....the "Bizzare - Love-Triangle" among  bella swan (the human) with Edward cullen (the vegetarian 'vampire) and Jacob black (the wirewolf) could play the emotion of the reader through the whole four books. Not in the film
anyhow, for me it's almost disspointing the way mayer ended breaking down (the film),   cause I have to wait till next year (penasaran lagi) however, "I love those books very much", kalau dipikir-pikir tuh buku sebenernya bisa aku jadiin bantal atau ganjelan pintu. Soalnya tebel tebel banget boo hehehehehe !!!

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